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Welcome to PersonalOptimum. These are public versions of some of the notes I write for myself. I created these notes with the idea in mind to share some of my learning and experience with my Sister, my Bother or my closest friends.

In my learning journey, mostly thanks to books and people, I am often stroke with the desire to make some idea or quote available to my dear ones. Living quite far away from them, and not always sure on how to express it. I chose to write “field notes” that I believe can make sense for them, should they encounter a similar situation.

The publications are in random order of importance and I keep editing them along the way. Hence please feel free to navigate at your ease and convenience between articles.

Notes are organised in 3 categories: Money, Wisdom and Health. I chose these categories as to me they tend to bring balance once you managed to gather all.

The site is voluntary simple and pure to reflect its primary focus on content.

Where to start?

I would recommend to start with the Wisdom note, Finding time to read – where to start, and then to go through MONEY – Investing: practical thinking from investor friends and trading floor experience. These two notes shall give you an overview of what is available to you on this site. Shall you have any question or interested in seeing any topic covered here, just let me know in the comments!

Most popular articles

MONEY – Investing: practical thinking from investor friends and trading floor experience

WISDOM – Finding time to read – where to start

WISDOM – What habits or skills are the more important to live a successful life? Answers from Derek Sivers

WISDOM – Business bookworm top tips