
Thanks a lot for visiting Personal Optimum.

I started Personal Optimum as a digital journal to keep track of the ongoing and never-ending quest to learn from any available sources about any topic that I would consider of interest.

Views expressed here are only personal opinions and are meant indeed to be challenged and questioned. Don’t take anything written here for granted, feel free to build up your own opinion and disagree. As any independent thinker, my views are subject to change, especially thanks to conversations. Keep this in mind!

I may sometimes cover topics related to investments, these shall not be taken in any way as advice – always look for a professional and certified advisor for any money related question. I currently publish some money management reflections on https://expatinvestclub.wordpress.com

Some affiliate marketing links are present on the blog, this are personalized links to online shops. If visitors purchase through those links, the website may receive some commissions. Note that it does not increase the price paid by the buyer on the online shop. Read more here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affiliate_marketing